Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Wacnang clears self on Diasen killing link

In a bid to clear speculations that a political angle is one possible motive in the gunning down of Vice Governor Rommel Diasen, Congresman Laurence Wacnang vehemently denied any participation or knowledge into the tragic incident that befell the gubernatorial bet.

"I have been always advocating clean politics ever since I delved into this democratic activity and for what reason will I be destroying that good image? I think some personalities are riding on with the incident to gain political advantage and if s sad to say that they are doing it at the expense of ones death," Wacnang bared.

Wacnang is appealing to all political leaders not to exploit the case of Vice Governor Diasen to gain political mileage.

Wacnang emphasized that politics should always be played fair and square. Politics in Kalinga according to the Congressman has been relatively peaceful and that's one thing we should be proud of. Politicians should not stain that good picture by asserting that the recent unfortunate events have something to do with the political exercise.

Wacnang said that upon arrival from a meeting with the President in San Fabian, Pangasinan he called on the elders to arrange with the bereaved family for possible avenues to clear his name.

He further said that "if the traditional way of clearing doubts through the sapata is acceptable then I am more than willing to do it even in front of the cadaver."

Just as he appealed to concerned people to cooperate with the investigation being conducted by the police authorities, Congressman Wacnang is optimistic that in the coming days the details of the investigation will make clear the real motive on the killing of the vice-governor. (This news article by Regie Wacas appeared in Guru Press, April 16, 2007)